Image 1 (203) 270-4612

Building a Healthy Community

A Healthy Community is one where all individuals and families have awareness and access to opportunities for social, physical, and emotional health.

The Town of Newtown strives to provide a healthy community that encourages schools, businesses, and organizations to support wellness through the delivery of services that promote: Healthy Life Choices, Connections with Others, Awareness and Education, and Positive Emotional Well-Being.

Healthy Life Choices
Connections with Others
Awareness and Education
Positive Emotional Well-Being

In order to better understand what we mean by a healthy community, we are looking at the UNLV research on healthy communities:
UNLV Research PDF

NYU study

Other Helpful Resources:
World Health Organizations

Defining a Healthy Community Meeting: March 27, 2018

In an effort to collaborate across the community all "Defining a Healthy Community Meetings" are open to the public. There is research and literature to help to guide the definition, however it is essential that community members and community organizations are utilizing common language, together authoring the definition, and are all ambassadors in the spirit of a healthy community from a behavioral healthy lens. All meeting information will be posted here.

Meeting Outline:

Download bhc 3.27.18_Meeting outline

Meeting Minutes:

Download 03-27-18 working meeting minutes

Brainstorming Notes: